Saturday, 19 May 2012


Blackberry is to launch its latest smartphone design. The blackberry keynote/dev alpha, which still doesn't have a release date but should be able to compete with apple's iphone 4s. The keynote has a 4.2" screen display and 16gb internal memory, and also has a HDMI outlet for TV compatibility . The keynote also runs on blackberry's latest software 10OS. From the image above it looks very similar to the iphone but will it compete?

Personally I am surprised RIM doesn't have a law suit in their hands because the keynote looks identical to Apple's iphone design. The most significant change that blackberry is doing to their latest products is the elimination of the keyboard, which has it's pros and cons but anyone that owns a blackberry, has a blackberry because they don't like dealing with touch screen displays. This could be a problem for RIM because it might turn people off due to the fact there is no keyboard and that it looks like a knock off iphone.

On the other hand this might be what RIM needs because even though they have a majority of the Canadian smartphone market, it's only a matter of time until apple or any other smartphone manufacturer for that matter will pass blackberry due to there current decline in sales and shareholders.    

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